Pull requests with Github


Sebastian Weirich


January 12, 2024


When people collaboratively develop software (R packages) and use Github as a repository, colleagues can review software parts before they are included in an updated package version.

Please note

As long as the master/main branch and the new branch are not merged again, there are two “parallel” branches. The background to this is that - as long as developers are working in the new branch - users can always download the latest working version (i.e. the master branch) of the package. As a developer, you always have to check and be conscious about on which branch you are currently working on.

Git-Workflow im Terminal (NH)

  1. Gegebenenfalls: Auf den mainbranch wechseln: git checkout main
  2. Verifizieren, dass man auf dem richtigen branch ist: git status
  3. Onlinebranch lokal herunterladen: git pull
  4. Gegebenenfalls: Neuen branch “branch_2” erstellen, und direkt darauf wechseln: git checkout -b branch_2
  5. (Alle) Änderungen stagen: git add .
  6. Gestagte Änderungen commiten (mit aussagekräftiger Commitmessage): git commit -m "implemented new function"
  7. Commits hochladen: git push


  1. Image by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash.↩︎